Enjoy Autumn season ! Japanese autumn sweets

The autumn sweets season has come. Speaking of the Japanese autumn sweets, the main foodstuff is chestnut, sweet potato, pumpkin. Now, let me show you Japanese autumn sweets today. Let’s check it out !

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Le Tao

Refer to this site: http://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000135.000013125.html     autumn outing sweets box

Le Tao is the pastry shop in Otaru, Hokkaido that was born in 1998 and is selling the sweets which used many kinds of the local ingredients in Hokkaido.

Autumn outing sweets box, the original box of Le Tao, expresses the harvest season. The rightmost is “ potiron double “(chestnut marron pumpkin) filled with mascarpone cheese made in Northern Italy and cream cheese made in Austraria, chestnut marron pumpkin.

The middle one is “ autumn leaves fruit pudding” that imaged the harvest season used pear, apple and chestnut. Then, pouring the pudding into these fruits and finished with red raspberry sauce.

The leftmost is “ harvest assortment “ used orange peel brownies, almond slice brownies imaged the harvest season, and the harvest assortment of baked chestnut and baked sweet potato roll.

This confectionery will be sold until October 20, so if you want to buy, please get as soon as possible.


【shop information】

(URL ) https://www.letao.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=1010 (online shop)

https://www.letao.jp/global/en/ (English)

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Ito Kyuemon

Refer to this site: http://fanblogs.jp/ninkiotoriyosesweets/category_72/      astringent skin chestnut and chestnut matcha swiss roll with marron cream(渋皮栗とマロンクリームの栗抹茶ロールケーキ)

Ito Kyuemon is a long-established teahouse in Uji, Kyoto. They sell the sweets and the green tea noodle used the Uji tea and matcha. It becomes a hot topic on TV, so there are many fans among the entertainer.

Astringent skin chestnut and chestnut matcha swiss roll with marron cream is the special autumn rollcake which was wrapped the astringent skin chestnut and special marron cream with a rich matcha sponge dough. You can enjoy the bitter sweet of matcha and the rich sweetness of chestnut.


(URL) http://www.itohkyuemon.co.jp/corporate/shop/information/         Uji matcha mont blanc

Uji matcha mont blanc is the artistic sweets limited in Autumn made only 22pieces in a day. There are petit cream puffs that the fresh cream is fully stuffed inside the paste. The autumn vivid astringent skin chestnut is on the creative paste mixed matcha, white bean, and the cream.


【shop information】

(URL ) http://www.itohkyuemon.co.jp/site/index2.html (online shop)



Refer to this site: http://kuma-navi.com/?mode=detail&id=270              matcha fresh cream daifuku

This Japanese confectionery is what the matcha fresh cream was wrapped in a daifukumochi. The sweet taste of grain sauce elegantly collaborates with bitter taste of matcha because the matcha fresh cream becomes to be the least sweet.


【shop information】

(URL) http://www.nanyoken.co.jp/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=adwords



Refer to this site: http://www.kawaiya.net/menu_kamayakipotato.html

This sweet potato is the main item born in the pastry shop, “Kawaiya” in Hokkaido. It is used the Beni Azuma made in Ibaraki mainly, and potatos made in Hokkaido, butter, fresh cream, granulated sugar. You can also buy this sweet potatos easily at Lawson.


【shop information】

(URL) http://www.kawaiya.net/menu_kamayakipotato.html



Refer to this site:http://www.misbit.com/recipe/mid003448.html


These sweets which I introduced here are almost all the high-quality ones that were sold in the popular shops and featured in many TV and magazines. Since there is also a limited commodity among these sweets , let’s be in a hurry !

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