It is the teahouse(Chaya) in Japanese culture that is preserved even now. Teahouse is the rest house for travelers. It often appears in the historical drama. Would you like to visit and take a rest there tasting the Japanese history ? Now, let me show you some of the Japanese Teahouses. Let‘s check it out !
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Mizuya Chaya (Nara)
Refer to this site: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/63193283
Japanese Teahouse has been the general resthouse since about the Muromachi Period. It’s where is served tea and Japanese confectionery, and is thought as the symbol of Japanese emotion.
Mizuya Chaya is a Japanese sweets café inside the Nara Park, and the old-fashioned Kayabuki roof (thatched roof) is indescribably tasteful. In Autumn, it’s recommended because you can enjoy the autumn colors. When you come across the deer inside the Park, you might be able to take pictures of the unique scenery.
Refer to this site: http://ameblo.jp/notodesign/entry-11578899945.html
There are “ Warabimochi “, the specialty of Nara and matcha teaset, dumpling, Japanese Udon noodles inside the menus. You can have the shaved ice in Summer.!
Refer to this site:Refer to this site: http://minkabu.jp/blog/show/482983
【Mizuya Chaya】
(address) Kasuganocho 30, Nara city, Nara
(access) Kintetsu Nara station or JR Nara station → city bus → Daibutsuden Kasugataishamae → 5minutes walk
(open time) 10:00~16:00
(regular holiday) Wednesday
(URL) http://www.mizuyachaya.com/
Eikando Mikaeri Chaya (Kyoto)
Refer to this site: http://www.kyotopress.jp/mikaerichaya/
Eikando Zenrinji Temple is famous for the scenic spot of autumn colors. After you are satisfied with seeing so much beautiful autumn colors, have a teatime at Mikaeri Chaya near the pond. The menu is enriched. Mitarashi dumplings and zenzai, warabimochi, etc. You will be able to enjoy teatime watching wonderful autumn colors.
Refer to this site: http://blog.livedoor.jp/jiro19870212/archives/52121143.html
mitarashi dango
Refer to this site: http://k-kabegami.sakura.ne.jp/eikandolight/2.html
A lighting-up at night in Eikando Zenrinji Temple is also very tasteful. Lit up autumn colors are indescribably superb.
【Eikando Mikaeri Chaya】
(address) Eikandocho 48, Sakyoku, Kyoto city, Kyoto
(access) JR Kyoto station → city bus (40minutes)→ Nanzenji Eikandomichi → 3minutes walk
(open time) 9:00~16:30 (lighting-up is until 21:00)
(regular holiday) irregular(if it’s raining, closed)
(URL) http://www.1floor.jp/mikaeri/
Suzuriishitei (Kyoto)
Refer to this site: http://mapio.net/s/78373159/
Takao, in which Suzuriishitei is located, is famous for its autumn colors. It is the most beautiful autumn color season in November. Suzuriishitei is located on the way to the approach of Jingoji temple after we climb the 350 stage of stone steps. The ornament of raccoon quite familiar in Japan will welcome us.
Refer to this site: http://kyotosukinano.blog.jp/archives/40818667.html
Suzuriishitei’s menu is rich , like the specialty“ Momijimochi “ and zenzai, matcha, tokoroten, udon noodles, soba. In autumun, we can eat boiled tofu set and nabe. When you visit here, never fail to have a homemade “ Momijimochi “.
(address) Umegahata Takaocho 5, Ukyouku, Kyouto city, Kyoto
(access) JR Kyoto station → JR bus for Shuzan (1h) → Yamashirotakao →15minutes walk
(open time) 9:00~16:30(17:00 closed)
(regular holiday) irregular, no holidays in November
(URL) http://www.suzuriishitei.com/
Refer to this site: http://www.kyotokoto.jp/archives/tag/%E7%B4%85%E8%91%89
Did you enjoy Japanese Teahouse vol.1 ? Teahouse (Chaya) is one of the tasteful tradition that remains even now in Japan. Then, please look forward to Japanese Teahouse vol.2 !