There are so many animal cafés all over the world. Animals give us healing and happiness. Now, let me show you some cute animal cafés in Tokyo that I couldn’t introduce last time. Let’s check it out !
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Squirrel and Fairy Forest Elixir(リスと妖精の森 Elixir)
Refer to this site: http://elixir.nailsalon.co.jp/
In the daytime, Elixir opens as a nail salon as well. The bar will open from 19:00. It is closed on Sunday and national holidays.
Refer to this site: http://elixir.nailsalon.co.jp/
Elixir is a healing bar which has an active squirrel and cute fishes. This is the shop with the concept of a forest castle, and as if it were a wonderland.
【Squirrel and Fairy Forest Elixir(リスと妖精の森 Elixir)】
(address) Akasaka Sun building 5F, 3-12-10, Akasaka, Minatoku, Tokyo
(access) 1minute from Chiyoda Line Akasaka station
(average price) 4~5,000yen
(URL) http://www.e-bars.jp
Hachu Café(はちゅカフェ)

Hachu Café is a reptile café that opened in June, 2016 in Kichijoji. It is a cafe that we can interact with more than 30 reptiles, such as Greek tortoise, Iguana, bearded dragon, Eboshi chameleon, Ball python, Corn snake etc,. Regular holidays are Monday and Wednesday, but that might change, please check the official HP.
Refer to this site: http://ameblo.jp/tetorika/entry-12202585865.html
You will welcomed by cute reptiles, so if you are not good at reptiles, you might possibly love them.
【Hachu Café(はちゅカフェ)】
(address) 2F-B, 4-6-3, Kichijoji Honmachi, Musashino city, Tokyo
(access) 8minutes from Kichijoji station
(average price)1,500yen, 4,500yen(banquet)
(URL) http://turboreptiles.co.jp/
Hedgehog Café Harry(ハリネズミカフェ Harry)
Refer to this site: http://play-life.jp/plans/13742
Hedgehog Café Harry is the first hedgehog café in the world. It also sells hedgehogs, so if you meet ones you like, you can take it. They are so cute !
Refer to this site: https://mobile.twitter.com/_harry8211_/status/707805914787680256
Hedgehog cafes are rare in various animal cafes. We feel at ease just looking at this small and round figure. But please be careful because the thorns will be scratchy when you make them angry a bit.
【Hedgehog Café Harry(ハリネズミカフェ Harry)】
(address) Iwahori building 2F, 6-7-2, Roppongi, Minatoku, Tokyo
(access) 1minute walk from Hibiya Line Roppongi station
(average price) 1,000yen/30minutes(weekdays) 1,300yen/30minutes (except weekdays)
(URL) http://www.harinezumi-cafe.com/
Penguin café (ペンギンカフェ)
Refer to this site: http://lifemagazine.yahoo.co.jp/articles/1959
Penguine Café is the one inside Sumida Aquarium at Tokyo Sky Tree. It is innovative that penguins and goldfishes are swimming beside us.
Refer to this site: http://kuropagu.exblog.jp/19568260/
It is a café that we can relax while watching the penguine aquarium. We can enjoy also unique menus. Basically, there is no closing day.
【Penguin café (ペンギンカフェ)】
(address) West Yard 5~6F, Tokyo Sky Tree Town,1-1-2, Oshiage, Sumidaku, Tokyo
(access) within easy reach of Tobu Sky Tree Line Tokyo Sky Tree station
(average price) 1,000yen (you will also be required admission fee of Smida Aquarium)
(URL) http://www.sumida-aquarium.com/shop
Akiba Fukurou(やすらぎと癒しのお部屋・アキバフクロウ)
Refer to this site: http://akiba2960.com/archives/blog/3249
Akiba Fukurou is a famous animal café worldwide, too. Ingenuity has been made to provide customers with healing, giving top priority of the owls’ physical condition management.
Refer to this site: http://girlschannel.net/topics/299772/
You will surely be healed by cute owls. This café adopts a reservation system. Please check the official HP.
【Akiba Fukurou(やすらぎと癒しのお部屋・アキバフクロウ)】
(address) Akiba Fukurou building 1F, 67, Neribeicho, Kanda ,Chiyodaku, Tokyo
(access) 2minutes walk from JR Akihabara station
(average price) 1,500yen
(URL) http://akiba2960.com/
Refer to this site: https://twitter.com/turbo_rep/status/793062732299808768
For those who cannot keep animals, healing power of these animals are very meaningful. It is called “ animal therapy “to be healed when we interact with animals. Would you like to heal every daily fatigue and stress by touching cute animals?