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Why Japanese people wearing cold mask? It is not only health reason
source: http://i.stack.imgur.com
If it is first time for you to visit Japan, you may confused because many Japanese people wearing cold mask.
Are they all catch a cold? or They are suffer from other heavy sickness?
The answer is NO.
Of course, some people catch a cold. But there are more important reason why Japanese often wearing cold mask outside.
Manner and Etiquette is important for Japanese
source: http://s.hswstatic.com
As I mentioned that all the people wearing cold mask are not catch a cold, and some of them are of course catch a cold.
So, why they wearing cold mask?
In Japan, if people catch a cold, they wears cold mask to prevent droplet infection.
If they do cough and sneezing, droplet infection would be expanded, and other people might catch a cold by droplet infection.
For Japanese, wearing cold mask if they catch a cold is one of manner and etiquette.
Cough and sneezing infant of others are not accepted.
Japanese think that doing a nuisance and trouble someone are unwelcome things.
As the prevention against cold, influenza and hay fever
source: http://www.kohnan-eshop.com
Many Japanese people wearing cold mask as prevention against sickness like a cold, flu in winter.
Particularly, December is epidemic season of influenza.
To control their health by themselves, they wearing mask to prevent some virus.
And spring season, many Japanese suffer from hay fever.
Hay fever in Japan is mainly caused by cider pollen, and people who suffer from hay fever wearing mask not to inhale particle of pollen.
source: http://i1.mirror.co.uk
You may shocked when you arrive in Japan first time, and wondering why many people wearing cold mask.
There are many reason that people wearing cold mask, but it is clear. A pitiful feeling toward others is most important to Japanese.
Not to trouble someone, they wearing mask when they are catch a cold even though it is not heavy.
Cold mask is must have item for Japanese in any case!