Kumamoto gourmet !  Special Products in Kumamoto

Find special gourmet in Kumamoto

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Find special gourmet in Kumamoto

Have you ever had Kumamoto gourmet? There are a lot of really delicious gourmet in Kumamoto. Kumamoto is blessed with abundant nature. Besides, water is so clear. Vegetables and fruits grown in such a blessed nature, same as the cattles like cows, horses are very good quality. Today we’d like to introduce you some of the Kumamoto’s special products (gourmet).




Kumamoto Ramen

Refer to this site: http://higoooooon.com/201307/%E3%80%90%E7%86%8A%E6%9C%AC%E7%9C%8C%E3%80%91%E8%B1%9A%E9%AA%A8%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A1%E3%83%B3%E7%89%B9%E9%9B%86%E3%80%80%E4%BA%8C%E6%9C%AC%E7%9B%AE/

The soup of the ramen in Kyushu is tonkotsu(pork bone broth). Most of the Kumamoto ramen also use tonkotsu soup. The taste of tonkotsu is milder than Hakata ramen.




Banpeiyu(Citrus grandis)

Banpeiyu is a big citrus fruits. It is about 2kg , much bigger than Japanese mandarin.And it was authorized as the biggest fruits all over the world. The name of banpeiyu derives from “slow growth”,”whity”,”yuzu citrus”. There are many processed goods of banpeiyu, such as jam,j erry, soft cream, soap.


Refer to this site: http://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000534.000007505.html

It’s like a basketball !

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Basashi(horse meat sashimi)

Refer to this site: http://basemag.jp/basashi-theshop-jp/2015/12/03/100000

Basashi looks very beautiful cherry (sakura) color, so it’s also called “Sakurasashi”.

In Kumamoto, there are so many basashi restaurant. Horse meat is easy to eat, because it is mild. Besides, it’s low fat and low cholesterol, so nutritious. When you visit Kumamoto, never fail to have basashi.




Akaushidon(Red bull bowl)

Refer to this site:


Akaushidon is the special groumet of Aso. This is the dish just what we want to try once. Soft-boiled hot spring egg and wasabi, Akaushimiso specially made by the restaurant are.on the beef. Famous restaurant of Akaushidon is “Imakin Shokudo”. But there are over 10 restaurants that we can eat Akaushidon in Kumamoto.


<Imakin Shokudo>

[address] 366-2 Uchimaki, Aso, Kumamoto

[open time]11:00~14:30

[regular holiday] Wednesday


[URL] http://www.kumamiru.com/shop/spindex.html?dum=134741771&Uid=ab3dfc75fe9920ab90df0019edba45ef&pcot=1


[other restaurants URL where we can eat Akaushidon]




Ikinari Dango

Refer to this site: http://item.rakuten.co.jp/jrk-shoji/10001340/

Ikinari Dando is a plain taste Japanese confectionery. The recipe of IkinariDango is simple. Steam bean paste and sweet potato wrapping with dumplings. The collaboration is superb !




Refer to this site: http://item.rakuten.co.jp/jrk-shoji/10001923/

Jindaiko is the famous Japanese confectionery of Kumamoto. Glutinous Gyuhi is inside youkan(the sweet jellied azuki‐bean paste). In summer, it is nice to cool Jindaiko in the fridge.





Refer to this site:http://photozou.jp/photo/show/289821/133693273

Kumamoto is still under reconstruction of the earthquake. Kumamoto is a treasury of agricultural and livestock products. Many of the items which we informed, can be the souvenir. So you can get them on the internet. Please check it up. About Akaushidon ,let’s go to eat to Kumamoto !

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