Recently kelp tea is getting popular because it is good for your health and beauty. Filled kelp tea in a tin is sold in a supermarket in the USA and Australia. However, you do not see it many times in Japan still now.
“Anyone can grow the kelp tea as long as one can get a stub contained original bacteria and undiluted solution. If you try it as a way to beautify yourself, I recommend you grow it in your house.”
WOONIN, who wrote her book titled “Kombucha Recipes Book –A lesson for tea of fungi which takes care of all girls who work hard”, said so. She taught me how to nurture kelp tea.
How To Make Kelp Tea

When you make kelp tea at your home for the firrst time, you should obtain a stub of kelp tea. You are able to find a starter kit through mail order or people who have it already may give a part of it to you.
“when you get it, you prepare black tea, water and white sugar. You should put a tea bag and a third cup of sugar for 500 ml. When the tea start to be boiled, you put all sugar in it and then dissolve the sugar while the tea is hot. After the tea become lukewarm, you pour it into a bin contained he stub of the original bacteria. Note that you should sterilise the bin before usage. Then you put a cloth or kitchen paper etc which passes air and fix it with strings or elastic bands.”
Approximate Fermentation period is for a couple of days in summer or a week in winter. When it is warm day, you can see air bubbles because the fermentation is activated. Colour of the tea is gradually subtle.
“It is the best way to taste it to make sure the fermentation. When you boil the tea first, please taste it. It is fermented if it changes its taste, as a couple of days passes by. Each family owns each taste of Miso paste and soy sauce. Making the kelp tea is same as it. You cannot make same taste tea every time. Keep developing it as you think it is your own taste. You do not have to be worried too much. Because the bacteria is strong, it ferments spontaneously.”
A Tip to Make The Kelp Tea Mild

By the way, you may be concerned about the kelp tea while you leave your house for a long time because of holiday or business trip.
“When it is exposed by air, it is likely to be moulded. Therefore, it is important for the stub to be soaked. The liquid of the kelp tea is strong acidity, so usual viruses die. In addition, it is good to put it in a refrigerator while you close its lid firmly to make the fermentation slow because the bacteria is so strong to keep fermenting. After you go back home, you take it out of the refrigerator and open its lid. You leave a little amount of the fermented liquid in the bin and then throw away remains. You pour new tea into it, the fermentation restarts.”
Some people say that the first fermented kelp tea is rather sour. The key to make it mild is to ferment it again and again while put new tea in it. It increases the number of he bacteria and it weaken its acidity. When the stub gets large, you change size of the grass bin. It is good to store it in another bin in the refrigerator when you finish making.
The kelp tea can be made easily at your home. Let’s grow it as you enjoy observing how the bacteria works!

By Noto and Ishimizu Noriko
Original article is here: http://mama.bibeaute.com/article/20227/