Do you take a bath when you have a cold and fever?
If you are very busy at work, it may be difficult to choose NOT to take a bath.
This time, I put together several points that you have to pay attention about when you have a fever and take a bath.
- 1 1. Is it OK to take a bath when we have a fever?
- 2 2. Is it effective to take a shower, not sitting in a bath?
- 3 3. Is it effective to sit in hot water which makes us sweat a lot?
- 4 4. Is footbath effective for fast recovery?
- 5 5. Things that you have to pay attention when a child having a cold takes a bath.
1. Is it OK to take a bath when we have a fever?

When you feel like you’re catching a cold, I recommend you should take a bath to warm yourself.
When your temperature is going down, it means your immune system is also being weakened.
Sitting in hot water will help you warm yourself.
Then, when you take a bath, you need to pay attention to the following points;
* warming a bathroom
* running hot water with the temperature less than 40℃ / sitting in the hot water within 20 minutes
* drying your hair completely
* staying warm after the bath
* drinking water
* going to bed as soon as possible to have a rest
If your temperature goes up and you are sweating, refer to the following points to determine whether you can take a bath or not.
* temperature less than 38.0℃
* without high fever with chill or fatigue
* without diarrhea
* not feeling like you are vomiting
When you have a high fever and take a bath, it is essential that you keep yourself warm after the bath.
Many Japanese people believe that it’s not good to take a bath when you have a cold, but people in other countries have different ideas about the relationship between a cold and taking a bath.
It’s surprising for us to know that people in some countries think that little warm water works well to bring a fever down.
2. Is it effective to take a shower, not sitting in a bath?

Some people may agree that they take only a shower, not sitting in hot water because it’s a bit hard to sit in a bath in such a physical condition.
However, it had better for you not to take only a shower, and you should prevent it.
It’s because shower only warms the surface of your body, resulting in feeling cold after the shower.
3. Is it effective to sit in hot water which makes us sweat a lot?

Some people say that sweating a lot help you recover from a cold.
As is the case with taking a shower, I don’t recommend the way to you, because hot water conducts heat away only from the surface of your body.
In addition, hot water in a bath may badly affect temperature regulatory center when you have a fever and sit in hot water for a while, which result in exhausting yourself.
When you have a fever but want to take a bath for warming yourself, you should sit in hot water with temperature less than 40.0℃, as I mentioned above.
4. Is footbath effective for fast recovery?

Here, I’m going to introduce footbath, which leads you to fast recovery from a cold!
In particular, footbath has a beneficial effect on you when you have a sour throat.
The best temperature of the hot water for footbath is higher than that in a bath tub in two degrees Celsius, and the water is around your ankle height.
When you are taking a footbath, you sometimes need to add some hot water in order to keep the temperature of the water.
It is said that the effect of footbath rises when it’s used with a bath.
After taking a footbath, you may feel exhausted, and it’s nice to keep yourself warm and go to bed as soon as possible.
5. Things that you have to pay attention when a child having a cold takes a bath.

For parents, it sometimes is a difficult decision whether your kids should take a bath or not.
So, I pick up several points that you need to think about when they have a cold and take a bath.
* Whether they have fatigue or not
* Whether their temperature is more than 38℃ or not
* Whether they have rashes/injuries or not
When they take a bath, as is the case with adults, it’s important to check their temperature before taking a bath and to make a bathroom warmer.
Please remember that taking a bath sometimes hinders recovery from a cold, because it makes them exhausted a lot when they have a cold and fever.
* the temperature of water should be not that hot, when they take a bath
* you need to help them sooth the sensation of warmth after bath.
* you need to give them much water
* they should take a bath before other family members take a bath, if they have rashes
If it seems that they shouldn’t take a bath, it helps a lot to change bedclothes and dry off their bodies with a wet towel.
How was it?
Does it help you?
If you are too exhausted for a cold and cannot do things mentioned above, don’t hesitate to see a doctor!
This is the most important thing.
Make use of a bath, and have a quick recovery from a cold!